Category: Top Stories


There’s a gig worker sized hole in Biden’s vaccine mandate plan

Falling through the gaps: As we’ve written before, paid time off may be one of the best vaccine incentives. But again, Biden’s order only covers larger employers of 100 or more....

A customer-centric approach is key in a post-pandemic world

Quoting Vladimir Lenin, Bill Kanarick describes the tectonic industry shifts brought on by the pandemic: “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades...

Who is Starlink really for?

But it’s not totally clear whether rural America is a viable customer base for Starlink. The biggest issue is cost. A Starlink subscription is $99. Speeds can vary greatly, but the average...

Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s latest wild bet on living forever

Altos is certain to draw comparisons to Calico Labs, a longevity company announced in 2013 by Google co-founder, Larry Page. Calico also hired elite scientific figures and gave them generous budgets,...

How Ida dodged NYC’s flood defenses

“The problem is, we’re seeing these impacts and these changing storms faster, and adaptations are just not keeping pace,” says Lauren McPhillips, a hydrologist at Penn State University who studies urban...

How to keep the power on during hurricanes and heatwaves and fires and …

That and other damage to the power system left more than a million customers without electricity across the broader region, which is grappling with the aftermath of the storm and oppressively...

How to navigate covid news without spiraling

But because this is a novel disease, scientists and public health authorities are learning in real time—and more than a year and a half in, knowledge around key topics like immunity...

Can you spot the fake receptor? The coronavirus can’t either.

As covid-19 continues to evolve in the US, researchers are now developing the next generation of therapeutics, including a new approach that could help reduce the time it takes to recover from...
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